Iridium Mail & Web Registration Login Password Retrieval Iridium GO! – Setup Iridium Mail & Web Registration Name* First Last User Name* - The username will become your Iridium email address( i.e. - Must be 3-16 characters - Must be lower case - May contain periods(.), underscores(_) and hyphens(-) - Must NOT start with hyphens(-)User Name (alternate)* Subscriber Type*Iridium SubscriberPivotel SubscriberTelstra SubscriberRussian SubscriberSatellite Phone Number*Create Password* Enter Password Confirm Password - Must be between 6-18 characters - May be upper case and lower case - Punctuation marks allowed . , ? ! ; : - _ - Cannot contain any invalid characters % ^ & * ( ) = + [ ] { } ' " / \ | $Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Consent* I acknowledge that my personal information will be used by Iridium as explained in Iridium’s Privacy Policy, and consent to receiving marketing communications from Iridium about products and services that may be interest to me. I can withdraw my consent to receiving marketing communications at any time by Unsubscribing using a link provided in such emails or by sending my request to