Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag App

Developer : Aerovie, LLC

Products: Iridium GO!®

  • Apple Watch Support

  • TAWS Suite with Aural Alerts

  • Powerful Pre-flight Weather Features

  • Geo-Referenced Approach Plates

  • Connected Devices and ADBSD

App Icon of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
App Icon of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application
In app image of Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag application

Aerovie Electronic Flight Bag App

Developer : Aerovie, LLC

Products: Iridium GO!®

  • Apple Watch Support

  • TAWS Suite with Aural Alerts

  • Powerful Pre-flight Weather Features

  • Geo-Referenced Approach Plates

  • Connected Devices and ADBSD

Your Digital Copilot

The most advanced electronic flight bag (EFB) on the market. Visualize your weather with Aerovie vertical weather profile, radar forecasting, and more! Electronic PIREP submission into national airspace system. Submit pilot reports at the touch of a button to Lockheed Martin Flight Service using cell data or Iridium GO!®. PIREPs automatically queue for transmission when network connection is available for up to one hour. Flight plan, brief, and file flight plans into Lockheed Martin Flight service. Full electronic flight bag suite including offline sectional, IFR low/high, and approach charts.

Stratus Insight is a full electronic flight bag (EFB) suite for pilots that includes AHRS with synthetic vision, TAWS, VFR sectional maps, IFR low/high charts, and geo-referenced approach plates.

More than an EFB, Stratus Insight also offers:

Radio Transcription & Playback
Stratus Insight boasts a custom-built speech recognition system inside the app. When paired with a Stratus Audio Cable, the ATC Radio Transcription feature works similar to visual voicemail. ATC communications are converted into text, providing a helpful visual assist for referencing previous audio clips. This enables pilots to receive a clearance, ATIS, or other important ATC communications without needing to write them down

Vertical Weather Profile
The Vertical Weather Profile previews your route in the vertical slice from departure to destination, up to eight days out, so you can see the conditions you’ll encounter based on your departure time, aircraft speed, and each intermediate airport.

Smart Flight Plan
If a TFR or changes in weather force you to take an alternate route, the Smart Flight Plan tool considers things like fuel stops and day/night currency.

Radar Forecast
Radar Forecast provides long-term weather radar simulations up to three days out, and you can fast forward your weather radar in one-hour increments.

Stratus Audio Cable
The Stratus Audio Cable (available to purchase from the Appareo web store) is needed to enable the radio transcription and playback feature.

Seamless Integration with Stratus
The app supports all generations of Stratus receivers, and the user experience is seamless. Stratus receivers provide WAAS GPS, AHRS, in-flight weather, and ADS-B traffic.

Apple Watch
Uses HealthKit to detect hypoxia-like symptoms for pilot health monitoring including nearby airport weather watch faces and weather radar on watch.

Product Specifications and Certifications

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